Campos Lab @ UTSA
Campos Lab @ UTSA
Susan C. Alberts
Thyroid Hormone Concentrations in Female Baboons: Metabolic Consequences of Living in a Highly Seasonal Environment
A Causal Mediation Model for Longitudinal Mediators and Survival Outcomes with an Application to Animal Behavior
Early Life Adversity and Adult Social Relationships Have Independent Effects on Survival in a Wild Primate
Female Reproductive Aging in Seven Primate Species: Patterns and Consequences
Distinct Gene Regulatory Signatures of Dominance Rank and Social Bond Strength in Wild Baboons
The Long Lives of Primates and the 'Invariant Rate of Ageing' Hypothesis
Glucocorticoid Exposure Predicts Survival in Female Baboons
Maternal Death and Offspring Fitness in Multiple Wild Primates
Social Bonds, Social Status and Survival in Wild Baboons: A Tale of Two Sexes
A Comparison of Dominance Rank Metrics Reveals Multiple Competitive Landscapes in an Animal Society
Social Bonds Do Not Mediate the Relationship between Early Adversity and Adult Glucocorticoids in Wild Baboons
Social Determinants of Health and Survival in Humans and Other Animals
Does Climate Variability Influence the Demography of Wild Primates? Evidence from Long-Term Life-History Data in Seven Species