Campos Lab @ UTSA
Campos Lab @ UTSA
Linda M. Fedigan
Wild Capuchin Monkeys as a Model System for Investigating the Social and Ecological Determinants of Ageing
Factors Influencing Terrestriality in Primates of the Americas and Madagascar
Should I Stay or Should I Go Now: Dispersal Decisions and Reproductive Success in Male White-Faced Capuchins (Cebus imitator)
Female Reproductive Aging in Seven Primate Species: Patterns and Consequences
Costs of Male Infanticide for Female Capuchins: When Does an Adaptive Male Reproductive Strategy Become Costly for Females and Detrimental to Population Viability?
The Long Lives of Primates and the 'Invariant Rate of Ageing' Hypothesis
Maternal Death and Offspring Fitness in Multiple Wild Primates
Differential Impact of Severe Drought on Infant Mortality in Two Sympatric Neotropical Primates
Non-Invasive Estimation of the Costs of Feeding Competition in a Neotropical Primate
Group versus Population Level Demographics: An Analysis of Comparability Using Long Term Data on Wild White-faced Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus capucinus imitator)
Female Sociality and Sexual Conflict Shape Offspring Survival in a Neotropical Primate
Does Climate Variability Influence the Demography of Wild Primates? Evidence from Long-Term Life-History Data in Seven Species
Inbreeding Avoidance and Female Mate Choice Shape Reproductive Skew in Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus capucinus imitator)
Climate Oscillations and Conservation Measures Regulate White-Faced Capuchin Population Growth and Demography in a Regenerating Tropical Dry Forest in Costa Rica
The Effect of Male Parallel Dispersal on the Kin Composition of Groups in White-Faced Capuchins
Drivers of Home Range Characteristics across Spatiotemporal Scales in a Neotropical Primate, Cebus capucinus
Spatial Ecology of Perceived Predation Risk and Vigilance Behavior in White-Faced Capuchins
Urine-Washing in White-Faced Capuchins: A New Look at an Old Puzzle
Behavioral Adaptations to Heat Stress and Water Scarcity in White-Faced Capuchins (Cebus capucinus) in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica